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Seminar: Threats and Opportunities for Freelancers
by Susie Hughes at 18:03 26/03/03 (Conference Papers)
Shout99 is holding two seminars for freelancers and their advisers to show how to avoid the threats which can cost small businesses thousands of pounds; and how to make the most of the opportunities to put your business ahead of the rest.
The afternoon and evening seminars will be held in London on April 10. Tax and accountancy experts Kevin Miller FCA and Simon Sweetman will explain how to minimise the threats, including IR35 and Section 660a; and Andy White and Susie Hughes will give advice on how to maximise the opportunities through marketing and publicity.

The uncertainty of operating in this climate - coupled with the costs, estimated at between £3,000 and £6,000 of complying with the requirements and regulations in this environment, has prevented many freelancers businesses from reaching their full potential.

These seminars will bring practical information and advice to freelancers which they can use to save time and money and operate with more certainty and confidence.

The threats
The opportunities
The speakers
Further details

To reserve your place, please choose which seminar to attend and click the link below: (Costs £85 + (VAT £14.88) = £99.88 - this is a business expense.)

The threats | back to top

As well as having to face the burdensome regulations and commercial market pressures, which affect many small businesses, freelancers can be forgiven for thinking their sector has been specifically targeted in recent years by a number of measures.

Kevin Miller and Simon Sweetman will examine some of the main threats facing freelancers and explain in practical detail how to mitigate against them.

  • IR35 - Four years after its introduction, we believe that any freelancer who wants to move outside IR35 can do so. However, thousands of freelancers continue to volunteer to pay the tax when they could reasonable claim to be outside IR35. Make sure you are not one of them. Learn how to use the uncertainty surrounding IR35 to your advantage rather than the Revenue's.

  • Section 660a - This is the Revenue's latest stealth tax which was neither predicted nor expected. However, the Paymaster General, Dawn Primarolo, has recently confirmed that the Inland Revenue will be using this existing legislation to challenge family businesses, typically husband and wife, where, it believes, tax is being avoided by distributing some of the company income via dividend to the lower tax-payer. One couple is facing a tax bill, back dated for six years, of £42,000 as a result of this latest tax-raising measure. Learn what it means and what steps you can take.

  • Budget - The Chancellor will make his annual Budget speech the day before the seminars. In the past this has been the vehicle for IR35 and more recently the abolition of EBTs and changes to NICs. Be among the first to hear expert analysis of what the Budget means for freelancers

The Opportunities | back to top

Coping with the threats in recent years may have left freelancers with little time or motive to seize the opportunities. Andy White and Susie Hughes present a series of practical examples and information to help freelancers position their businesses to reach their full potential.

  • Marketing Freelancers have often left the marketing of their businesses to chance or let their reputations speak for themselves. Now, marketing has a double-advantage - as well as increasing your business's profile and therefore your position, it is a clear indicator of being in business on your own account. Find out how to use marketing to increase your profitability

  • Sales In the current climate, it is a 'buyers market' so how do you make your business stand out with agents and clients?

  • Publicity Ask any press officer and they'll tell you that the old adage 'All publicity is good publicity' is a load of nonsense. However, good publicity is both free and effective - and gives you the credibility of independent third party endorsement in a valuable medium. Learn how to use the media as a reference point for your business

Panel session.
The seminar will conclude with a question and answer session with a panel of experts.

Speakers | back to top

Andy White - leading campaigner for the rights for freelancers. Founded and co-ordinated freelancer campaigns including IR35 and Fast Track Visas; introduced the Future of Freelancers debate with politicians; represents the views of freelancers on the Genesis Senate, with the All Party Parliamentary Small Business Group, and with the CBI and other bodies. Experience as a freelancer, agent and client - and now managing director of Shout99.

Kevin Miller, FCA -acknowledged as one of the technical authorities in IR35 issues having prepared definitive papers on the subject; held negotiations with the Revenue which led to changes in the Employment Status Manuals; worked with other leading practitioners and technical bodies on common positions; lectured and written widely; and has authored Freelancers Outside IR35 and chairs its panel of IR35 experts.

Simon Sweetman - has a long background in Inland Revenue enquiry work on both sides of the fence - from small enquiry cases at district level to substantial enquiries by Special Compliance Offices. Prior to his 18 years with the Revenue he worked in IT - after the Revenue, he worked in private accountancy firms. He is a member of the Tax Policy Unit of the Federation of Small Businesses and represented the FSB in the negotiations with the Inland Revenue and other interested parties on the IR35 legislation. He is a member of a variety of advisory and steering groups and has written and lectured widely on tax issues.

Susie Hughes - press officer and PR consultant, having been a Government 'spin doctor', a journalist, a communications adviser for corporate and representative organisations on a range of campaigns, including IR35 and fast track visas. Now editor of Shout99.

Further details | back to top

Who should attend?

  • Freelancers - who want to invest a few hours of their time to learn how to maximise the potential of their business;
  • Accountants - who want to grow and develop their freelancer client-base by showing expertise and specialist knowledge in their market place;
  • Agents - who want to understand better how their market place is changing and to learn how to operate to benefit themselves and all their clients;
  • Clients - who recognise the benefits freelancers can bring in driving the costs down and the value up of their businesses.

Date: Thursday, April 10, 2003
Time: 2.30pm (first conference); 7pm (second conference).
Duration: Two and a half hours.
Venue: The Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London WC2. Please note that there is limited availability and places will be allocated on a 'first come, first served' basis.
Price: £85 +VAT (£14.88) = £99.88 - this is a business expense.
Payment: Payment can be made on line. A VAT receipt and your ticket to attend will be issued automatically.
Enquiries: Email to jo@shout99.com.

Guarantee: If you do not think we have delivered a seminar which makes you better prepared to deal with the threats and opportunities, we will refund your fee at the conference.

To reserve your place, please choose which seminar to attend and click the link below:

Please use the 'Email Article' facility below to forward this information to freelancers and their advisers who might want to be aware of this seminar.

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Susie Hughes

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Seminar: Threats and Opportuni... Susie Hughes - 26/03
    Any other dates tax-aes - 3/04
       No other dates planned Andy White - 9/04
    Conference content Chalk - 9/04
       FO35 Andy White - 9/04
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